It's Sunday. Few hours left before I present. What do I do next?
Take a deep breath.
Don't panic.
And don't just wing it.
As we storm through sabha after sabha, we may realize that we are ill-equipped to deal with the problems that arise, but our field Sabhaologists have researched these issues and created this resource page just for you.
This page will be updated as our Sabhaologists keep us posted, so check back regularly!
Sharpening the Saw: The MOST Important Lesson
As the seventh habit out of Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, it's the lesson to be learned and applied when problems arise in sabha. In the face of a presentation that ends abruptly or a flaky presenter, we may be thrown into action.
Practice these habits regularly, and presenting will come at ease.
Emergency Kit
Here's a compilation of our most salient posts. Scanning these posts will give a good idea of how to compose a presentation, but remember, mastering speaking on the spot requires mastering preparing speaking first.
Planning in 1-2-3: Remember three questions to make the most of your presentation.
Connect with the Audience: Avoid puzzled looks from the audience by meeting them at their level.
Don't panic.
And don't just wing it.
As we storm through sabha after sabha, we may realize that we are ill-equipped to deal with the problems that arise, but our field Sabhaologists have researched these issues and created this resource page just for you.
This page will be updated as our Sabhaologists keep us posted, so check back regularly!
Sharpening the Saw: The MOST Important Lesson
How can we be better prepared for these situations? To master speaking on the spot, we must first master speaking on a plan. In other words, we must master the basics before we can use them on the fly.
Practice these habits regularly, and presenting will come at ease.
- Speak frequently - No way to practice without volunteering first!
- Seek feedback - See how well some audience members can answer the three questions.
- Keep a list of possible shakeups and interesting stories.
- Practice narrating a prasang to better grasp someone's attention.
Emergency Kit
Here's a compilation of our most salient posts. Scanning these posts will give a good idea of how to compose a presentation, but remember, mastering speaking on the spot requires mastering preparing speaking first.
Planning in 1-2-3: Remember three questions to make the most of your presentation.
- Simple statement: What's my one-sentence takeaway?
- Unexpected/Shakeup: How will I captivate the audience's attention?
- Stories: Which stories (i.e. examples, prasangs) will support my simple statement?
Connect with the Audience: Avoid puzzled looks from the audience by meeting them at their level.
Compelling Prasangs: PB&J goes well together in bread as do stories and the simple statement in presentations. Master the technique of narration to develop command over our audience's attention.
PowerPoint Abuse: PowerPoint is a tool not the presentation itself. Check yourself with these posts - each of which will take less than five minutes to peruse - we promise!
- How NOT to use PowerPoint
- You Suck at PowerPoint! 5 Shocking Design Mistakes You Need to Avoid
- Common PowerPoint Mistake
- Jim & His Presentations
- Designing Slides
Grab Bag: For everything that we thought was cool but couldn't find a category wound up here.