We had discussed what it meant to awaken curiosity, the hallmark of an engaging ghosti, so let's put this post to practice. Have your kishores/kishoris think of situations where procrastinating got the job done; generally, these roll right off the tongue.
Now throw the monkey wrench into their mental machinery: From the standpoint of the opposing party, what did they think of that effort?
For example, let's say Jayesh's teacher curves the highest grade to an A in his AP Chemistry class, and Jayesh easily beats his class by scoring in the 80's. Thus, he never studies until the night before. He's very intelligent but rarely pays attention in class as he realizes that he doesn't have to bust his butt in this class to make a legitimate A (>93). Jayesh is also a senior applying to college and decides to ask this teacher for a recommendation letter.
What do we think Jayesh's teacher will write about him?
A question of this nature will stimulate our ghosti members to think outside themselves and perhaps catalyze a purpose for trying to deal with this issue.
Topics like laziness and procrastination follow a basic pattern in the head of the seasoned kishore/kishori; they know they will learn of their deficiencies and weakness and thus be less likely to engage and pay attention. After all, we don't like to be told we're broken.
However, when we awaken awareness to the externalities of our imperfections, we may have a stronger motivation to curb them - a 'why' for the 'what.'
Hence, to add some seasoning to this selection on self-improvement, try opening up the ghosti in this way BEFORE addressing how to deal with our procrastination.
Yes, and to add on procrastination also determines your self-discipline. For example, we become less distracted and control our thoughts if we see the object (like your future image if you work out), instead of getting to a more goal that we highly value, but can't necessarily see. Tying back to the "Marshmallow Experiment" talked about a while back, the one's that waited to eat the marshmallow turned out to be more self-disciplined and overall more "successful". Therefore, in order to be one of those "successful" ones, we must learn the most important factor to success: Self-Discipline.