When you're looking for something in a mall, we look for the directory.
When you're looking for something in [A Stickier Sabha], you come to this post!
For the newcomer, this blog may be a bit intimidating, but our blog is organized by
labels. They're on the left side of the screen, and below is a description of them. Some are self-explanatory, some are not.
Getting Better
Here are the labels devoted to helping you become a better speaker/presenter.
- [10 in 2009] - Before this blog was this series of e-mails that aimed to help everyone give ten great talks in 2009. Though 2009 has come to an end, these posts are a great starting place.
- Activity - Here are some unique items we can integrate into our presentations to capture the att
- Humor - We all like a good laugh, so if your presentations are a bit too serious, here's a remedy.
- Made to Stick - The book behind our mission - find everything related to it here.
- Powerpoint - We know it as an invaluable tool, and these posts are devoted to how we can better utilize it.
- Presenting better - A powerful presentation is only a click away as these posts will help you with the organization and development of a presentation.
- Speaking better - Just as the name suggests, check out these posts to learn how to better deliver and articulate your speech.
- Storytelling - Want to improve your prasang-varnan skills? These posts are jam-packed with examples and tips to deliver prasangs palatable to the audience's ear.
- Statistics - Numbers are boring, but they don't have to be. Learn about it here.
- Testimonials - We appreciate the advice and tips given to us by our sticky presenters, so we've posted them all here.
Maybe we're looking for something to supplement a presentation, so check out these labels for material related to specific concepts.
These tags correspond to the source type of our material.